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Managing the memories from the house or apartment you’re selling

Packing up the memories of a place you’ve lived in can stir up some powerful feelings.

Misty-eyed memories of the people who once shared meaningful moments there with you can make saying goodbye to the property you’ve just sold a time to reach for the tissues, as well as the contact details of that professional removalist.


Minimising your moving stress

Connection to community is a wonderful part of life and, if you’re moving out of your suburb, as well as out of your home, it’s natural to feel a sense of loss.

By focusing on smarter ways to handle some moving chores, you can give yourself more space to look after your emotional reactions – something that might make moving to your new address feel happier.


Avoid last-minute packing

Sorting through your belongings can seem overwhelming – and by tackling the pack-up in small steps, you’ll make clearer decisions about what stays and what you might need to say goodbye to for good.

Setting aside one hour every day to focus on one or two tasks – perhaps your laundry or linen cupboards one day, and maybe your record/CD collection, or books the next – can feel productive and positive. And if modern life has changed some old habits, and music streaming or e-book reading has prompted some decluttering, you can create separate labelled boxes for things you might want to sell or donate.


Collect the contact details that matter

Remind yourself that you are not losing connections to old friends and neighbours. By focusing on ways your friendship group has the potential to be expanded and enriched, moving will seem more like an exciting adventure, than a sad farewell.

Make sure you get the contact details of those locals you do want to stay in touch with – and take some time to put together a new contact list of recommended service providers near your new address, to help you settle in smoothly.


Be organised

Prepare lists of what you need to do – and the necessary deadlines. Delegating is a fantastic way to share the load. If you’ve got children, giving them age-appropriate tasks connects them to the business of moving and reduces your to-do list.

Whether it’s filling in change of address forms at the post-office or labelling the boxes you’ve spent hours packing to help make the unpacking process in your new property even faster, there are lots of ways to share the load with helpful family members (and willing friends).

Remember: self-care matters! Take time for a break when you can. Sure, it might feel like it might never be finished but, with the right amount of organising, you can find practical ways to reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed and can feel a sense of accomplishment.

Making time to walk the dog, watch a favourite show, have a coffee with a friend, or even get a massage, can all help reduce your stress and give you the energy boost you need to power through the next step of the moving process.


Focus on the future – not the past

Leaving people – and places – behind does have an impact on emotional wellbeing, so it’s important to acknowledge your emotions, then allow yourself time to adjust and let go.
Reminding yourself about the positive aspects of your upcoming move – and the potential opportunities your transition may bring – is a way of focusing on the future, rather than the past.

In your life, the things you value most are connected to experiences, people and places. But, even when you leave the bricks and mortar that once housed those memories, it’s important to remember that your memories move with you.

If geography and time allows it, visit your new neighbourhood as much as possible in the weeks before the move to create some happy memories in your new location. Finding a great barista, a fantastic bakery, or simply a picturesque park, are all good ways to lay foundations for your transition to a new address.

Yes, moving can seem scary, stressful and sleep-depriving sometimes, but with the right planning and a positive attitude, you can get through it calmly – and enjoy your first night in a new property, with complete peace of mind.

Have a question about the conveyancing process? Or want to speak to a member of our team?

We’re here to help. You can get in touch on 1300 932 738.

This article is provided for general information purposes only. Its content is current at the date of publication. It is not legal advice and is not tailored to meet your individual needs. You should obtain specialist advice based on your specific circumstances before taking any action concerning the matters discussed in this article.

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