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Celebrating your property sale

When you first bought your property, you probably celebrated in style. Now it’s time to mark another amazing event in your adult life – the successful sale of your property.

Acknowledging the effort involved in putting your house on the market is a meaningful way to mark the significance of selling your property – and whether you celebrate the sale result alone or involve friends and family who might have helped you throughout your property journey, it’s a milestone that shouldn’t be ignored.

Throw a ‘Happy Property Sale’ party

Putting your favourite beverage on ice and passing a few glasses around with your nearest and dearest is an effortless way to add a celebratory vibe. If you want to take it one step further, make it a proper party and invite your favourite neighbours to create a memorable way to say farewell to your property (and your neighbourhood, if you are relocating further afield).

If the idea of creating dirty dishes at a time when you are in pack-up-the-house mode fills you with dread, consider ordering some food from your favourite local café or restaurant and provide some eco-friendly cutlery, plates and cups that help you enjoy a shared celebration without the clean-up headache.

If you are leaving the area, consider keeping the guest list exclusively for your neighbours and local community, and maybe have a second celebration especially for family and close friends who have helped you make the memories that have made your time at your property so special.

Even if you’re an investor who hasn’t had the emotional connection of living in the property you’ve just sold, celebrating your property sale reinforces your successful investment journey. Creating your own special ritual to mark each time you sell one of your properties, is a happy habit to put in motion.

Thank the professionals who helped you achieve your successful sale

Selling a property successfully takes a team of people – from the gardener, cleaner or tradies who helped make your property look its best, to the professional conveyancer, real estate agent and other property professionals who each played a part in the sale process.

When you’re in business, the best ‘thank you’ of all is a positive social media review or business referrals, so think about sharing the good news and recommending your conveyancer or agent to friends and family who could also benefit from some property sale support.

Look after yourself

Selling property can seem stressful, but with the right professionals on your team, the process should run smoothly.

Whether you’ve been packing, or simply planning your next property purchase, taking time away from your busy schedule is important. To celebrate your property sale in style, plan an indulgent treat for yourself that gives you a chance to wind down and relax – even if it’s just for an hour.

For you, that might mean getting some mates together for a round of golf, having a massage, or even enjoying a bit of retail therapy with some good friends. Doing something that makes you happy is what matters.

Don’t compare sales results

Seller’s remorse can be real but by focusing on the future, rather than thinking about what might have been different, you help yourself stay in the moment. Selling your property is an amazing achievement. Avoid the trap of scouring real estate sites online to compare other recent sales in your neighbourhood. Sure, that house at number 27 might have attracted a slightly higher price … but you sold your property!

Each property has its own unique selling points and has the potential to make its own special impression on a potential buyer. Rather than thinking about what might have been done differently remind yourself that – even if the circumstances leading up to the sale might not have been ideal – taking your property to market and achieving a successful sale is a moment to remember…and celebrate.

Have a question about the process? Or want to speak to a member of our team?

We’re here to help. You can get in touch on 1300 932 738.

This article is provided for general information purposes only. Its content is current at the date of publication. It is not legal advice and is not tailored to meet your individual needs. You should obtain specialist advice based on your specific circumstances before taking any action concerning the matters discussed in this article.

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