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What is Conveyancing?

A simplified guide for homebuyers

Conveyancing is the area of law relating to the transfer of real property; the change of ownership from one owner to another.

What is Conveyancing? A Simplified Guide for Homebuyers

If you are considering buying a property, selling, or transferring ownership of a property you will need conveyancing services.

Why it is essential?

Australians buy many types of property every day without requiring legal assistance, from groceries to clothing. As you buy more regulated items such as SIM cards, cars, motorhomes you start to encounter mandatory forms and government registration.

When it comes to ‘real’ property (often referred to as ‘real estate’) such as land, houses, units, and apartments there is a significant amount of legal paperwork and laws to comply with both at the state and federal level.

A purchaser that fails to meet their legal obligations during a conveyancing transaction can face serious financial consequences. You will need the services of an experienced conveyancer or property lawyer to complete the change of ownership on your behalf.

I’m looking to purchase

“Discover peace of mind with a contract review”.
Your lawyer will review the contract of sale and any disclosure statements applicable to your purchase. Our experienced team of lawyers and conveyancers can guide you on the terms and conditions of your purchase, the key matters affecting the property and your due diligence (the homework you should be doing before you buy).

I’ve purchased and need help

“Your partner to settlement”
Our legal team will prepare all the required paperwork (such as stamp duty declarations and government transfer forms) and guide you through the process with straightforward and convenient digital conveyancing. Our services allow you to complete your purchase documents from the comfort of your own home whilst having easy access to our helpful and experienced legal team.

Conveyancing Diagram

Speak to our friendly team today! We can assist you with making this next step a straightforward and stress-free experience.

This article is provided for general information purposes only. Its content is current at the date of publication. It is not legal advice and is not tailored to meet your individual needs. You should obtain specialist advice based on your specific circumstances before taking any action concerning the matters discussed in this article.

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