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Conveyancing is a key step in your property journey and we are available to support you every step of the way!
Now is a great time to start organising everything else you’ll need before settlement day. We know this is a busy time, to help you out we’ve put together some recommendations below.
What our clients say
Learn more about buying
5 Tips for Buying Property at Auction in NSW
Sydney is one of the most expensive real estate markets in the country, driven by strong demand that is pushing clearance rates towards 80%. With NSW’s property market being as competitive as it is, buyers have had to learn smart strategies to quickly close in on a...
5 Things to Remember Before Making an Offer on a House in QLD –
As one of the most affordable property markets in Australia at present, buyers on a budget are turning to Queensland. But while this might be a good time to be buying in the Sunshine State, your property search doesn’t end with simply finding the perfect house. You...
Buying Off the Plan
After a bumper few years of steady growth, the media surrounding the Australian property market has more recently taken a more bearish view of the months ahead. Set to the backdrop of historically low interest rates, this view is not however held by all commentators...
Tools we recommend
Conveyancing Calendar
Get a better understanding of the whole process with our easy-to-use conveyancing calendar.
Conveyancing Checklist
Stay organised as you move towards settlement with our conveyancing checklist.